The Planets and Space
Included in this 66 page download
-several differentiated worksheets
-one full set of A4 display posters
-colouring pages
-30 Space activity based Playdough Mats (3 different sets / 10 different colours each)
Everything you need to bring Space into your classroom!
Ideal for EYFS/KS1
This pack includes over 40 printables and will kick start your Spring Term without any prep whatsoever!
Just print and go!
Over 30 writing tasks (specific for Spring)
These include but are not limited to The Lifecycle of the Butterfly, Plants, Spring Animals and Weather.
Check out the preview!
ALSO-Over 20 writing task cards (laminate for long term durability)
These are in colour AND b/w. Perfect for Literacy Stations/Centres.
Suitable for KS1/KS2
This 49 page resource includes teaching aids, infographics and cross curricular activities for KS1 and Lower Key Stage 2.
Resource includes
Real Life images of Lighthouses
Lighthouse Fact Cards (laminate for long term durability!)
Several writing tasks
Lighthouse Addition and Subtraction
Lighthouse Information / two differentiated reading tasks
Check out the preview!
This Bundle includes one workbook for Emergent Readers and Writers, One FULL Display Pack full of fact files and flashcards AND one full set of display lettering!
Save and buy ALL THREE resources together!
This bundle is full of lots of activities that are ideal for the first month back, includes a Back to School quiz, an anti-bullying activity pack AND covers some British Values (Great Britain Activity Pack).
There are lots of other resources in the bundle, please check individual descriptions for more info!
Don't forget to check out the previews!
Over 15 pages for beginners! Cut out the lines to get to Polly!
Lines vary in width.
Includes Scissor Labels for drawers/cubby holes
3 Fine Motor Skills Certificates.
Just print!